It originally appeared on this blog Decor8
What a fun idea! I also liked the unlimited possibilities of size, shape and color provided on the bottles, paint color and tape.
This week I stopped in to get some magnets at Michael's and found that they had rolls of monogrammed packaging tape on sale for 50 cents a roll. However, I am such a dork, I thought the rolls had the entire alphabet printed on one roll. As in all 26 letters on a single roll. I didn't look closely enough to see that each roll contained only one letter. If I had looked closer I would have actually left the store with a letter that had some significance to our family. But instead, I came home with a roll of M tape, H tape and G tape. Oh well, it was only 50 cents.
So here is a photo of the project supplies.
I sprayed about 3 light coats of glossy white paint on the jar. Then positioned the tape which stuck perfectly. I did not apply a sealer coat but may do so if it seems I will be washing the jar often. Right now it is just for "looks."
But, it does "look" pretty, doesn't it?
Cost of this project
I had the jar already. Zero $$
Spray paint $3.24
Packing Tape .50 cents
Total cost- $3.74
You could whip up several of these and still only spend $3.74 as I didn't come close to using all of the paint or tape.