Yesterday, I was overjoyed to spend 5 hours in a photography class learning ways to improve my photography and getting to know my camera better. Nerd alert: I sat on the second row and soaked up every bit of information thrown at me. It was an absolute blessing and I left more motivated than ever to continue along on this photography journey. So, today I am trying out some of the tricks we discussed during class. One of the trickiest photography settings is indoor incandescent light with lots of motion, like your 5 year old jumping on the couch. The camera has to be set just right and finding a good light source is key to capturing these shots without them turning out blurry or out of focus. So I pumped up my ISO and changed the white balance for these pics. These two actions allowed me to capture the motion. Fun, fun, fun!
St. Patrick’s Day Crossword
1 day ago
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